If you’ve just failed your driver’s test, there are several factors to take into consideration before panicking. First of all, only 47.1% of people taking their driver’s test pass on their first try. If this is your first try, then there’s no need to panic. You must be careful, though, because you can only attempt the driving test three times per year unless you get special written permission from the Department of Revenue. Another item to keep in mind is that driver’s tests at Rolla’s highway patrol are offered only on Fridays. The written exam is available from 8:00 a.m. to 11:50 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. to 4:50 p.m.. The ‘skills’ exam, also known as the ‘driving test’ is offered from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m..
If you haven’t yet taken your driver skills test, there are a disconcerting number of things you will be graded on. The good news about that is you can fail almost any one area without necessarily failing the test as a whole. The most common mistakes made on driving tests are rolling stops, improper lane changing, bad steering control, distracted driving, improper freeway merging, confusion at 4-way stops, driving too slowly, changing lanes at an intersection, hard braking, tailgating, bad mirror checking, and everyone’s favorite – parallel parking. You must get at least a 70% to pass the skills test.
If you are concerned about failing in too many areas, there are many different ways to prepare. For example, one of the most stressed-over parts is the parallel parking section. The rules for this part is that your car (regardless of its type) must fit into a space that is 25 feet long and 7 feet wide without bumping into the boundary markers. You’ll also need to have both right wheels no more than 18 inches from the curb. As an informal suggestion, try to notice when your tires hit the gutter for a more precise location of the exterior of your vehicle. For full points, you must complete the maneuver smoothly, at a reasonable speed, and in no more than 2 minutes. When you begin practicing, use tall cones or buckets with poles to mark the boundaries. Once you become proficient, remove the poles. On the actual test, you can see the cones only from your side mirrors, not your review mirror.
Another portion of the skills exam is backing up. While this part isn’t as infamous as parallel parking, it can take your grade down considerably. People lose the most points while backing up because they swerve a little bit and then overcorrect, which leads to an anxious student and an even more anxious examiner. The key to this is simply to make sure that your steering wheel is completely straight before reversing. This may seem obvious, but it is frequently forgotten in the heat of the moment.
When you begin your test, there are several point-heavy things that you’ll be graded on right away. First of all, your vehicle must be in good working order. Next, you’ll be tested on quickly and correctly identifying the accelerator, brakes, turn signals, windshield wipers, headlights, emergency brake, etc. Depending on the examiner, the parallel parking portion will either be next or saved until the end of the exam. While it is generally advised that you avoid unnecessary conversation with the examiner, this also varies from experience to experience. A few of Rolla’s examiners are known to enjoy a short conversation at a red light.
The best tip for preparing for the skills exam is to practice everything you’ll be tested on in the actual location that you’ll be in. The majority of examiners at Rolla’s DMV use the neighborhoods near the Phelps Health Radiation Oncology unit. Becoming familiar with the speed limits, street layouts, and traffic signs in that area is a huge advantage when it comes to test day. Good luck!
What!? You’ve Failed Your Driver’s Test?
Eleanor Schott, Online Copy Editor
May 20, 2024
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Eleanor Schott, Copy Editor
Hello! My name is Eleanor. I’m a senior, and I’ve been in ECHO for 3 years. I am the Copy Editor for the school newspaper.

Lucas Johnson, Web Master
Salut! I’m Lucas and this is my first year on ECHO staff. I’m currently a Junior, and I’m in Band and Tennis. I like music, photography, and camping. If I’m not doing homework, I’m trying to get my life together.