How to join Echo

Recently Echo went around to all of the freshman English classes and gave a presentation on how to join the school newspaper, and what you would be involved in once you did. If you want to join or have questions how, here are the basic requirements for Echo.

The first step to join the paper is journalism, a semester class that can be taken online or at school. It covers the basic rules of writing an article, completing interviews, and brainstorming story ideas. It counts as a half credit of English and Echo counts as a full credit of practical art. Don’t worry if you don’t know how to write an article, this class will teach you how!

Once you join the paper there are three different types of print. This first is magazine, which is a quarterly publication (comes out four times a year), and this covers all of the in-depth and hard hitting stories. The second is newspaper, which comes out monthly, and it covers all of the stories that happen that month. The final one is online, and we post articles everyday. This is usually saved for the events that are happening right now, and some is even posted on our social media. The best part about Echo is that you can write almost anything you want. We have had articles that span from favorite movies to local politics, so no matter your passion you can write about it.

Echo is a great way to reach out to the community and to write about things that are important to you. If you want to get involved or have any questions feel free to ask a writer, Mrs. Gillis, or your English teacher.