Everyone Has a Story To Tell

Junior Beatrice Marti tells her experience with transitioning to public school from homeschool


 Transitioning from a homeschool system to a public or private school system can be a big adjustment. Beatrice Marti, a Rolla High School Junior, was homeschooled until ninth grade.

  “Whenever ninth grade rolled around, I started public school, and I’d say that’s probably whenever my life really started, because then you’re getting all of the drama, all of the people around you, it was like a complete life change for me.” Marti said.

  The first day of the transition from homeschool to public school can be the most overwhelming.

  “It was the most overwhelming thing ever, cause like, you go in, you don’t know anybody, and there’s not really anyone who can relate to you because most of the other people at least know people there, like the people that came from Edgar, per say, so I knew a few people from Church so I sat with them before first bell rang, and then honestly the rest of the day was such a blur.” Marti said.

  Even though adjusting to a new system can be difficult, Marti is glad that she transitioned to Rolla Public Schools.

  “I’m really glad that I started public school, I think it’s really good for me,” Marti said.

  Although Marti said that she would choose not to go back to the homeschooling system, there are some aspects of it that she misses.

  “I really liked sleeping in everyday and not having a set lunch. Plus it takes about an hour to get your homework done, and then you are done for the rest of the day, like it doesn’t take eight hours like it does in school.” Marti said.

  Marti believes that having a flexible schedule can also be a drawback.

“But kind of a disadvantage is that I don’t really think you learn as much, and you are not like getting that social interaction,” Marti said.

  Despite the fact that Marti prefers the public school system, there are also some aspects of it that she dislikes.

  “I was involved in a lot of drama my very first year, then again this past school year, there was a lot of drama towards the end,” Marti said.

  Despite this, Marti continued to find and fit into group.

  “It was really tough to find a group, especially ninth grade. Everyone has their own little friend groups; they don’t wanna let anyone else in, so I just kinda gradually started talking to people, and I was liked by the group of people I shouldn’t be around. But that got me a little bit of access into the school and other people,” Marti said.

  Despite the initial struggle to socially fit in, Marti now believes she’s finally fit into a group. Aside from her social life, Marti prioritizes her education. Even though it took her a semester to adjust to the classroom setting and deadlines, she still continues to challenge herself and has big goals for the future.

  “Hands down, I want to be a doctor. I love everything from the medical standpoint. My grandpa, he’s Dr. Marti, and he’s the orthopedic surgeon here in Rolla. He’s just amazing in everything he does and I wanna be [a doctor] just like him when I grow up. I wanna be an Anesthesiologist,” Marti said.