Girls golf tournament canceled due to rain
The Rolla Girls Golf team has been in Camdenton for the past two days waiting to participate in the Camdenton Invitational. Since their arrival, all matches have been canceled due to the severe storms and rainfall in the area. Senior Audrey Collier explains how the tournament has gone despite multiple rain delays and the eventual cancellation.
“We got three holes in [to the tournament] but with the rain delay, we’ve been sitting inside socializing for about half and hour,” Collier said.
Despite the school days that the girls golf team misses due to all day tournaments, they still manage to stay caught up in school.
“I’ve tried to stay days ahead in homework. In the middle of the season, though, it just gets harder,” Collier said.

Hello! My name is Bailey, I’m a senior, and this is my third year on Echo staff and my second year as Photography Editor and Social Media Editor. I’m...